Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last Reminder

All Projects and Assignments for Mrs. Caddell’s Art class are due no later than Friday, May 25. Students have known of this date for the past month. Grades have been updated and were posted on Monday, May 21 to allow ample time to turn in missing work. Students have been reminded each day this week that everything is due no later than Friday. Mrs. Caddell will NOT accept any work turned in after Friday.
An Exam review was handed out on Monday, May 21. Exams start on Tuesday, May 29.

Thank you. 

Monday, May 21, 2012


Grades will be updated today. These grades will reflect items they have not turned in as of today- even if they aren't due until Friday. This is to show them their true grade if they don't step up their work ethics.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Grades have been posted!!!! I still see stacks of projects that have been unclaimed.... Or not turned in!