Grades have been posted in my Art class. Highlighted names are those who are not passing.
Students are being told and encouraged to turn in all missing and incomplete work in no later than this Friday, December 8th.
Art 1 students are currently finishing up with a Kaleidocycle project. As students finish, they are to turn it in. They then have the opportunity to work on other work.
Art 3 students are finishing up with reviewing 1, 2, & 3 point perspective and learning 4 & 5 point perspective. They are to then start planning out their Perspective project they will be beginning after break. Some Art 3 students are doing a Kaleidocycle.
Floral Design - finishing up their mini-Christmas trees and taking them home or donating them. They are do bring back their containers and toppers.
All classes will receive an Exam review this week. They will be signing for it. They are to then get whatever information they don't have into their Journals. The Fall exam will be an Open Journal Exam.
Failure sheet will be gone over later this week too.