Thursday, January 5, 2017

Happy New Year and New Changes

Happy 2017. I hope and pray this year is a joyous one. We all have had our dealings with 2016 and are glad to see a new year.

In class yesterday I mentioned to everyone a few changes for this semester.
1st would be a new seating change. I'm hoping to move my desks around by next week. A fresh look.

Tutorials: I will not be able to stay late on Monday's or Wednesdays, which means I am going to have to move my 'Wake Up Wednesdays' to another day. I will be starting evening classes at Temple College next week. Yay Me... So starting next week, I will stay after school on Thursdays in order for those who need tutorials. I am still here most mornings by 8:15 and sometimes even earlier that that, so I could write you a pass if you need to get to my room prior to 8:15.

Art Club: for the next 8 weeks for sure, I will not be sponsoring the Art Club which is on Tuesdays. Again, my schedule won't allow for me to stay late. My Daughter is now in Basketball and her practices are on Tuesdays at 5:30. Doesn't seem like a big deal, but when you live 40 minutes away from campus, there is no way I could get her there on time. Have you seen that traffic out there....
I am not sure if the other Art teachers will take over for me or I may move it to Thursdays since I will be here for tutorials. Listen to announcements or come check in with me.

Other than that things are normal. Students are back in the swing of things and eager to learn new stuff.