Monday, October 29, 2012

Week of Oct 29

All classes are to continue on their Perspective projects.
Art 2 classes will have Thursday and Friday to work on their Altered Books.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week of Oct 22

Both Art 1 & Art 2 started over on their Daily Art Journals. They are responsible to keep up with their journals. There will be a grade check in a couple of weeks for a Formative Grade and then again during the 8th week of this grading period. That grade will then be a Summative grade. Their Journals will have information they will be able to use for their Final Exam reviews. 

Art 1- Monday & Tuesday they will be given a lesson on 1-point & 2-point perspective. On Wednesday they will show they understand this lesson before starting on their projects on Wednesday.
Bird's Eye View (1 Point Perspective) project Criteria (this will be posted on the board throughout the project)
{FOLLOW ALL RULES FOR 1-POINT 1) 1 Vanishing point,  2) Vertical lines go to the Vanishing point, 3) Horizontal lines are based off the roof top/Wall edge. }
-Use a ruler for all of your straight edges.
-Minimum of 15 buildings
- Ledges on ALL Roof tops
-Roof tops are NOT to touch each other (allow space between them)
-Windows on ALL bulidings, 3 different types of windows
-Rooftop ornaments on at least 7 buildings (ex: pools, antennas, billboards, holes etc.)
-Coloring your city is optional.
-Keep it neat

Art 2- Monday & Tuesday they will be given the chance to brainstorm what their perfect castle would me. On Monday I will review how to do the 2-point perspective process, especially to those who weren't taught this in Art 1. They are to then take their brainstorm and turn it into a 2-point project.

Castle Project Criteria (this will be posted on the board throughout the project)
{FOLLOW ALL RULES FOR 2 POINT PERSPECTIVE- 1) 2 Vanishing points, 2) Vertical lines stay vertical, 3) Horizontal lines go to either vanishing point, depending on which side of the vertical line you are working with. }
-Use a ruler for all of your straight edges.
-Minimum of 2 Towers
-Minimum of 1 draw-bridge
-Wall around castle is optional
-Bricks Walls are a must somewhere if not all over (showing 2-point)
-Go over all pencil lines and give added detail with a Black Ball-point Ink pen.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Tomorrow us the last day of the grading period. Today this is what happened.
Art 1- wrote about their Day of the Dead Sugar Skulls and prepared their Journals for Monday. Students were encouraged to get work turned in.
Art 2- Day of the Dead Figurines were due, fully painted. They will write about them and prepare their Journals tomorrow.
Tomorrow is also an early release day- they will be released from school at 2:05pm

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yep- I threw paint at my wall

A friend of mine gave me a book a couple of years ago called Wreck This Journal. Each page has instructions of what to do to that particular page. This page said to "Throw something at it dipped in paint" So the table I was sitting at had some paint and brushes and I thought- why not? I did clean up my mess and just a FYI, Dipped Paint brushes are not very Aero-dynamic.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

That's how the Cookie Crumbles

Students have been scrambling today- Teachers dislike this week so much. It's the last week of the grading period. This is when students who haven't done what was required of them to make the passing grade, come pouring out of the woodwork, wanting to know what they can do to make up their failing grade. I have to remind them that I have posted grades twice within the last 3 weeks, and they have had plenty of opportunities to turn anything in. And get this- I actually allow them to finish or fix their work and turn it back in to make a higher grade, and students still don't get the picture that they CAN PASS MY CLASS!!!! And then they are wanting a regrade on their Daily Journals, when they were told that grades would be taken and posted by today. I gave them a reminder on Friday, October 12th and on Monday, October 15th to get weeks 1-7 completed. Verbal reminders, visual reminders.... how else can I remind.

So Please- REMEMBER for the 2nd 9 weeks. Please use your time wisely in my class, I give you plenty of time to get your work done in class and I allow missing work to be turned in without points deducted. There is no excuse to fail my class. I want you all to do well and learn to draw in the process.

Art one projects due

Friday, October 12, 2012


Hey you! Yeah you- reading this blog! If you are my student, parents of my students, friend of my students- please absorb my images I'm posting and spread the WORD!!!!

Oh and IMPACT AID FORMS! This is to the parents reading this! If you have NOT seen a long green form that is to be signed- out school needs these back! SIGNED! And filled out! My 2nd period brought all theirs back! YAY!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


All projects due prior to Tuesday, October 9 are due no later than this Friday, October 12. This will allow me to get all projects graded and passed back and allow time for students to 'finish' or 'fix' their work and get it back to me before October 19 (the end of the 1st grading period).

Journal Check will start on Monday, October 15. I am only grading through Week 7. Completion grade. You could earn yourself a very nice FREE 100 for a Summative grade or you could not. Which would you like?

Those of you reading this, tell your friends!!! I asked again in each class for work that hadn't been turned in and I didn't get much turned in.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Calendar updated

Week of Oct 8-12

This is the 7th week of this 9 week grading period. Did you know this grading period is only 8 weeks long? EVERYTHING that has been graded prior to today is due this coming Friday. Value Projects for both Art 1 & 2 are Due today at the end of class.
Today students are getting introduced to the Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead). Both Art 1 & 2 will be creating artworks representing a loved one or themselves.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week of Oct 1-5

Art One and Art Two are starting a new project this week. Both using the Value Scale concept. Art 1's are using Ebony pencil on White paper. Art 2's are using Colored Pencil/crayons on colored or Black Construction paper.
I have just finished grading the last Projects for both preps. Those grades are in E-school and I will be posting grades in the class. Friday will be my last day to take late work to reflect for UIL.