Monday, September 30, 2013

Week of September 30

WOW- tomorrow is October!!!!

This week:
Art 1 is finishing up a project today. Their Value Projects are Due at the end of class.
Tomorrow they will be introduced to the next project. Examples will be posted tomorrow.

Art 2- finishing up their White on Black drawings. They are to then start sketching ideas out for their next project.

GRADES ARE POSTED!!!! UIL GRADE CHECK IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!!! any ID numbers that are highlighted are to come to tutoring on Tuesday to work on things they need to finish in order to be considered passing!!!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Grades were updated and posted in my class yesterday. ID numbers that are highlighted have the fun task of Mandatory Tutoring, unless they can find their work and turn it in.


***IMPACT AID*** forms were handed out today.
These forms need to be filled out by Parents/Guardians in a timely manner.
Incentives: Return by tomorrow and you will receive a Couple to take away 4 Minor Violations (tardies, dress code, id). If my 2nd period returns all of theirs by Friday, September 27, we will get a PIZZA PARTY!!!!
I've gotten this for the past 4 years!!! Let's keep it going!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

New Project

students were introduced to a new concept yesterday. How to create contrast by using Value (smudge). They were able to practice the technique along with practicing using an Ebony Pencil.

Art two students are starting on another Highlighting project.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Journal Check

The First of 2 Journal Checks will be this Friday, September 20. I will be checking for Completion and if they have completed everything, a FREE 100 will be given.

I have what is required in the Daily Journals in the Journal Tab at the top of this page.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week of Sept 16

Students are continuing their projects from last week.
Art 1's project is Due Wednesday.

Grades have been posted in my class. I have informed my students the steps to follow when things come up missing on the Grade Sheet.

Art Club starts tomorrow in room 219 and will last until 4:45. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

6 Different Ways to Shade

Today my students are either Refreshing their memory on the Different ways to shade or they are learning it for the first time. Today I will Demo to the Art 1 kiddos and remind my Art 2 kiddos. If they have any questions I will be glad to answer them and help as much as I can.

Art 1 will be completing this hand out. First with Pencil then they are to pick 3 of their choice and do those in Pen.
My example. Done in Sharpie on Transparency, so please forgive my
Smudge (Sharpies don't smudge well)
Art 2 are to take Circles and turn them into Spheres using the same 6 Different ways of shading. 

Tomorrow Students will finish these handouts and then they can possibly move onto a Project. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Week of Sept. 9


Monday- We are going over the Elements of Art. I'm showing a brief Powerpoint and having my students copy the definitions and jot down examples.

my handout in my Journal folder
Tomorrow, I will be starting the Value Unit. We will be learning about the different ways to shade, then taking this knoweledge to create Artwork. 
My example. Done in Sharpie on Transparency, so please forgive my
Smudge (Sharpies don't smudge well)

Friday, September 6, 2013


Today is Reflection Friday!!! I look back at now 2 weeks of school under our belts and think "Wow, I've got a great group of kids this year!!!!!!"

I am placing a link to the Journal Page HERE so you can keep up with the Journal No excuses to not having this completed when Grade Checks come up!!!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013


This week started the Journal Entries. Daily ritual for my classroom. Each day is something different and students are required to complete their Journals in order to earn a Formative Completion grade at the midway point of the grading period and then earn a Summative Completion grade at the end of the grading period. I provide them with the folders and the handouts. They simply come in each day and read the Journal Board and jot down what it says or asks to do. Here are the categories.

Mondays- Vocabulary day. A word(s) and definition(s)
Tuesdays- Guided drawing on what they are currently doing as a project. (mini-sketch)
Wednesdays- Artist's Quotes or quotes about Art/Creativity. Or anything I find interesting :)
Thursdays- Free Draw (mini-sketch)
Fridays- Reflection days (reflect about what is going on in class or it doesn't have to)

Completion Grade is the Key!!! This is not meant to take up the entire class and students have been told that if it does take them the entire class period, then they are talking too much and can lose Daily Participation.

Week of September 2

Sorry for the delay. Yesterday was chaotic with having no AC in my room and the majority of the school. Today so far our room is staying steady at 81 degrees, but I brought in another fan and it's not feeling as bad.

This week started with Tuesday.

Both Art 1 and 2 are Continuing their Portfolio projects. They are coming out quite nicely. I am telling my students that Friday is a Goal date to try to have it ready to be taped (to create a pocket folder). If they finish sooner, I'll be ready to tape them starting tomorrow.
They also have been told today that if they aren't on a Posterboard yet for this project, then they could possibly lose some points on their grade.

T-Shirt Contest "Wake Up Wednesday". This is the theme of this year's Mandatory School-wide Tutorial Day. All teachers will be found available on campus on Wednesday afternoons until 4:45. The Art Department was approached to come up with a design for the t-shirts to be worn by Faculty/Staff. I have made this an extra Credit assignment. Students are to get me their designs by Friday of this week. Monday we will vote for the top 5 and then I will submit them to the T-shirt committee on Tuesday.

Seating Charts- I am in the process of creating these. For the most part I hadn't had to remind many to get on task. So they are staying put. :)