Monday, March 30, 2015

Week of March 30

Today and Wednesday we have STAAR testing on our Campus. English 1 & 2. We in art class however will be starting a new project in Art 1 and Continuing a project in my Upper Levels.
NO WORRIES if you miss class or instructions to the projects due to testing. I will get you caught up to speed once you return and I will give plenty of time to get these done. 

RADIAL DESIGN- Art ones were introduced to this project this past Friday with Step 1, which is Brainstorm. They are to brainstorm and complete a handout with 5 blank triangles on it. 
Today, I introduced Step 2- take your favorite from the 5 triangles and trace that design onto a piece of square tracing paper, onto 1 triangle. (fold tracing paper in 1/2 3 times)

I will go over the other steps throughout the week. 5 steps total. 

PreAP & Draw 3 - They are continuing their Creative Free Draw projects. I am projecting this to be due this Friday, however, if I see they are needing more time to finish up their masterpieces, I will extend it. 

Testing Schedule and Displaced class lists have been posted on my calendar!!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Week of March 23

Wow Spring Break just wasn't long enough.

This week we've been busy with knowing Summer is fast approaching.

Art 1 Kiddos are finishing up their Illumination Projects they started on the Monday prior to Spring Break. They are due today. So students are making sure they have their Criteria done for this project.

Pre-AP/Draw 3- They started a FREE DRAW PROJECT. Something they've wanted to do all year. This project will be Due next week sometime.

47 more school days.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Week of March 9

Art 1- are starting an Illumination Project. They are to create a Single Letter in their font of choice in the center of a piece of drawing paper. They are to then create a border, corners and a background. The more creative the better. Colored with colored pencils then accented with metallic paint. Due After Spring Break. 

Pre-AP/Draw- students are continuing to work on their Scratchboard. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Week of March 2

Students have until Friday to get projects that are missing or that need to be finished to be turned in. I will call all students up to my desk today to go over grades. Art 1:everything for this 3rd 9 weeks are due this Friday. Next week we will start something new but it won't be due until we get back after Spring Break
Tomorrow I will go over grades with my Pre-AP kids. I realized the percentages in the system weren't right. I have fixed it and grades are reflected. 
Pre-AP/Draw 3 classes will start a Scratch Art Project today, due next Thursday.