Monday, December 4, 2017

This week

Grades have been posted in my Art class. Highlighted names are those who are not passing.
Students are being told and encouraged to turn in all missing and incomplete work in no later than this Friday, December 8th.
Art 1 students are currently finishing up with a Kaleidocycle project. As students finish, they are to turn it in. They then have the opportunity to work on other work.
Art 3 students are finishing up with reviewing 1, 2, & 3 point perspective and learning 4 & 5 point perspective. They are to then start planning out their Perspective project they will be beginning after break. Some Art 3 students are doing a Kaleidocycle.
Floral Design - finishing up their mini-Christmas trees and taking them home or donating them. They are do bring back their containers and toppers.

All classes will receive an Exam review this week. They will be signing for it. They are to then get whatever information they don't have into their Journals. The Fall exam will be an Open Journal Exam.

Failure sheet will be gone over later this week too.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Grades Posted

I have posted grades today for Floral Design classes. So far for 2nd period- only 2 people have gone to check their grades. Any grade below a 70 has been highlighted. All grades that are in the 70's range has a dot next to it as a warning that that could fall below passing.

ART grades will be posted by the end of the week.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Grades Update

I have been able to update quite a few grades today since I have returned from out of state. I am still in the process of getting holes filled in.

Art 1 will be having a test over their Journals later this week. Due to the fact that they have not been too successful at keeping up with their Journals.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Week of October 30

Happy Halloween Eve.
This week will be a cluster.
Art 3s are continuing their Contour Line Projects.
Art 1s will be introduced to Different ways to create Value with Line. Then completing a handout using all ways to shade.

Floral Design will be working with Color.

Grades--- I plan on getting Grade updated next week. With me getting things ready and taught before I leave for an out of state funeral on Wednesday, I simply don't have time to get things graded. But I do intend on getting things graded and grade books updated once I am back.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Week of October 23

Wow- time is flying and I'm not keeping up with this. Feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Art 1 and 3 are both working on Contour Line projects.
Floral Design is working on Parts of a Flower.

Weekly Journal Entries start this week for Art.

New Students that enroll can now refer to Schoology to get their Journals caught up. Refer to the WELCOME letter.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Unable to Access a thing...

Today marks the 4th day, not consecutive, that I have not been able to access anything within our system/district. I am unable to get into e-mail, my online grade-book or anything dealing with having to log in.
So what does this mean? I can't communicate with anyone through e-mail. I am unable to upload grades. I can't do attendance. I am unable to do a thing.
So I am just throwing this out there, just so you know! I am not trying to ignore or not do my job.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Happy 2nd week of SCHOOL!!!

I am so blessed with a great bunch of students this year. If you knew me last year, you know I needed this group of kids.
This week: Setting up Class Journals. These Journals we will be using throughout the school year. We will be using it to take notes, attach handouts, practice sketches and techniques and to plan out our Projects and Arrangements.
Dot Dot Not A Lot is our Motto for this week!!!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Happy New School Year!!!!

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year!!!
I hope you find this year to be full of fun and success.
Please refer to this site for updates along with another social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. Search Art de Caddell!

Thursday, July 20, 2017


I'm already getting into the new year mode. Yes I'm insane on so many levels.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Almost the end

This week has been a Catch-up/Intro week. Monday was a Catch-up day for everyone, even myself.
Tuesday was a day of Intros.
Art 1 and 3 are starting their last project of the year. They are doing a Collage Project. They have Options for this assignment that vary on ability and how much effort they want to put into it.

Floral Design on Tuesday they went and collected containers from the various locations on campus they delivered arrangements to. Wednesday we had presentations.
Our last Summative/Final Exam project has also been introduced. They are to plan a Wedding. Using Pinterest/Powerpoints/Scrapbook.

Friday, April 28, 2017

For the Week of May 1-5

Just a reminder, I will be out all this week. I will be returning on May 8. I have updated grades up to this point in time. I entered 'Completion/Participation' grades for this most current collection of projects. Those summative grades will be entered once I return.
This week you will be doing daily Busy work. It will be collected each day, then passed back out on Friday. You are to do a check-list and create a packet of your week's work and turn it in to the sub for a Summative Grade. If you are absent or if you were testing, simply state that on your packet cover sheet.

Please behave. Clean up and make me proud.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


What this means is pretty much everything is put on hold until after Saturday. Things as in projects being graded etc.
This week we have started a new project, so there has been lots of redirecting and reteaching and guiding. Along with getting projects ready for VASE which is on Saturday.
Soooooooooo Next week will be my Catch-up week and everything will be Updated....

Friday, January 20, 2017

Grade update

My mind is complete mush.
I discovered a mistake while entering grades, however, I can't fix it completely since it's too late for today. So on Monday I will do everything possible in fixing it. What happened was, instead of entering a 'mass' MISSING once I entered that grades I had, I accidentally entered a 'mass' 100 for the blanks. But I am fixing it right now, back to MISSINGS. Good thing it's just a progress grade and it can be fixed. oops....

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Okay I lied....

My last blog post I mentioned that I wouldn't be able to do 'Wake-Up' Wednesday ON WEDNESDAY. Due to my new class schedule. However, I stayed yesterday and left my room at 4:45 and arrived at Temple College at 5:30 for my 6:00 Orientation. Sooooooooo I think I should be okay on keeping with my normal Tutorials. If I see that for some reason this won't work out once classes start next week, I will let you know.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Happy New Year and New Changes

Happy 2017. I hope and pray this year is a joyous one. We all have had our dealings with 2016 and are glad to see a new year.

In class yesterday I mentioned to everyone a few changes for this semester.
1st would be a new seating change. I'm hoping to move my desks around by next week. A fresh look.

Tutorials: I will not be able to stay late on Monday's or Wednesdays, which means I am going to have to move my 'Wake Up Wednesdays' to another day. I will be starting evening classes at Temple College next week. Yay Me... So starting next week, I will stay after school on Thursdays in order for those who need tutorials. I am still here most mornings by 8:15 and sometimes even earlier that that, so I could write you a pass if you need to get to my room prior to 8:15.

Art Club: for the next 8 weeks for sure, I will not be sponsoring the Art Club which is on Tuesdays. Again, my schedule won't allow for me to stay late. My Daughter is now in Basketball and her practices are on Tuesdays at 5:30. Doesn't seem like a big deal, but when you live 40 minutes away from campus, there is no way I could get her there on time. Have you seen that traffic out there....
I am not sure if the other Art teachers will take over for me or I may move it to Thursdays since I will be here for tutorials. Listen to announcements or come check in with me.

Other than that things are normal. Students are back in the swing of things and eager to learn new stuff.