Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week of Oct 22

Both Art 1 & Art 2 started over on their Daily Art Journals. They are responsible to keep up with their journals. There will be a grade check in a couple of weeks for a Formative Grade and then again during the 8th week of this grading period. That grade will then be a Summative grade. Their Journals will have information they will be able to use for their Final Exam reviews. 

Art 1- Monday & Tuesday they will be given a lesson on 1-point & 2-point perspective. On Wednesday they will show they understand this lesson before starting on their projects on Wednesday.
Bird's Eye View (1 Point Perspective) project Criteria (this will be posted on the board throughout the project)
{FOLLOW ALL RULES FOR 1-POINT 1) 1 Vanishing point,  2) Vertical lines go to the Vanishing point, 3) Horizontal lines are based off the roof top/Wall edge. }
-Use a ruler for all of your straight edges.
-Minimum of 15 buildings
- Ledges on ALL Roof tops
-Roof tops are NOT to touch each other (allow space between them)
-Windows on ALL bulidings, 3 different types of windows
-Rooftop ornaments on at least 7 buildings (ex: pools, antennas, billboards, holes etc.)
-Coloring your city is optional.
-Keep it neat

Art 2- Monday & Tuesday they will be given the chance to brainstorm what their perfect castle would me. On Monday I will review how to do the 2-point perspective process, especially to those who weren't taught this in Art 1. They are to then take their brainstorm and turn it into a 2-point project.

Castle Project Criteria (this will be posted on the board throughout the project)
{FOLLOW ALL RULES FOR 2 POINT PERSPECTIVE- 1) 2 Vanishing points, 2) Vertical lines stay vertical, 3) Horizontal lines go to either vanishing point, depending on which side of the vertical line you are working with. }
-Use a ruler for all of your straight edges.
-Minimum of 2 Towers
-Minimum of 1 draw-bridge
-Wall around castle is optional
-Bricks Walls are a must somewhere if not all over (showing 2-point)
-Go over all pencil lines and give added detail with a Black Ball-point Ink pen.

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